About Me

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Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
My life as I lived it had often seemed to me like a story that has no beginning and no end. I had the feeling that I was a historical fragment,an excerpt for which the preceding and the succeeding text was missing. I could well imagine that I might have lived in former centuries and therefore encountered questions I was not able to answer; that I had to be born again because I had not fulfilled the task that was given to me. Finding myself to exist in this world, I believe I shall in some shape or other always exist; and with all inconveniences human life is liable to, I shall not object to a new edition of mine, hoping , however, that the "errata" of the last may be corrected. I am certain that I have been here as I am now, a thousand times before, and I hope to return a thousand times.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


There is no problem that cannot be solved. When you have a problem that you think cannot be solved, you have accepted it. Then it is no longer a problem but a fact.

Suppose you think it is a problem that the ocean in Iceland is too cold. Obviously, you cant heat the ocean, so it cannot be changed; you accept it and it is no longer a problem. Only when you are searching for a solution to the problem, is there a problem. Thus, there is no problem that cannot be solved. The moment you realize there is no solution, a problem ceases to be a problem.

The solution is the tail of every problem. To find one, you need to be calm, centred and you need to have a strong faith in the divine law.

God bless and Allah hafiz,


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