About Me

My photo
Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
My life as I lived it had often seemed to me like a story that has no beginning and no end. I had the feeling that I was a historical fragment,an excerpt for which the preceding and the succeeding text was missing. I could well imagine that I might have lived in former centuries and therefore encountered questions I was not able to answer; that I had to be born again because I had not fulfilled the task that was given to me. Finding myself to exist in this world, I believe I shall in some shape or other always exist; and with all inconveniences human life is liable to, I shall not object to a new edition of mine, hoping , however, that the "errata" of the last may be corrected. I am certain that I have been here as I am now, a thousand times before, and I hope to return a thousand times.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Maddening, swirling, tumultuous thoughts give my heart no peace

Muscles tensing, heart's wrenching, longing for release

Walled off from emotions, numbed to dreams of bliss

Frantically grasping for a hold, sliding further into the abyss

All color drains from my world, subtle shades of gray permeate

Broken shards cast illusions, hope falsely propagates

A former warrior, battle tested, I frantically disguise my fears

Resolve dissolves, nervousness abounds as my refuge disappears

As rain cycle nears an end, the winter begins to advance

Stealthily attacking, patiently awaiting for a perfect chance

A frozen heart, desolate and bare, obscures all that would try to see

The warmth reflected, gives off no heat, illusions mask reality

On hands and knees, mumbling pleas, I search for sanctuary

To glimpse beyond this desolation, to a world of possibility

Eyes closed, perceptions peeked, it hovers beyond my reach

A whispered supplication, alone, these barriers I cannot breach

A gentle touch, delicate and warm, I feel her reach for me

Chasing back the shadows, an angel, cradles my sanity

Relaxing, drifting, smiling, I find comfort in her embrace

My savior and redeemer, a sassy smile upon her face

I close my eyes and search within, I'll trust my instincts this time

I feel a heart of gold as her passion's unfold, a beauty so sublime

Peace radiates from her body, a warmth soaks into my soul

A smile reflects a love so deep, my heart I cannot control

Illusions shimmer and are gone, my world is bright and true

Spring marches forth with determination as my life begins anew

To pass beyond is what I sought, but dreams do not compare

To the reality of this wonderland graced by an angel so fair

Dreams shared, rendezvous dared, we joined together as one

The bonds of my enslavement have been lifted, my battle finally won

No regrets can be found, my reflections bring no remorse

Love that binds, as the tendrils climbed lead me down this course

Peace and comfort fill my soul where once only chaos dared

Now love emanates, peace radiates, because an angel cared

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


No matter how long you may live, you’ll never stop learning. Every minute of every day brings new opportunities to learn something we’ve never known before. As long as we’re open to receive, God will continue to teach us every day.

I’m still learning, and I know I always will be. What God teaches me every day about love continues to change my life. I’ve come to the place where I can honestly say, “Lord, eliminate everything in my life that’s holding me back. Please take away anything that’s keeping me from walking in love and finding true fulfillment in my life.” In other words, “Lord, reduce me to love—bring me to a state or condition of walking in love completely!”

One of the most important facets I’ve learned about love is unselfishness, which is characterized in the Holy Bible as a willingness to sacrifice one’s own wishes for those of others. I’ve learned that true love will always adapt and adjust to the needs and desires of other people.

It’s impossible for people who’ve truly been reduced to love to be selfish. God has taught them how to be totally adaptable and adjustable to others. Selfish people, on the other hand, have hard hearts. It’s very difficult for them to learn anything—especially if it involves self-sacrifice. They expect everyone else to adjust to them and their needs. They simply don’t know how to adjust to others without becoming angry or upset.

Learning to adapt and adjust to the needs and desires of others was very difficult for me. To be honest, I wanted my way, and I got upset when I didn’t get it. I was selfish! I wanted what I wanted, when I wanted it! I couldn’t stand having to wait on someone else or bending my own wishes to accommodate someone else’s timetable.

But God began to soften my heart, and gradually I learned to see the needs of others. Then God gave me compassion—the heartfelt desire to meet the needs of others first before my own.

Slowly, I became committed to walking in love. I learned to adapt my own needs and desires in order to help meet the needs of others. I learned how to show love in different ways to different people. Not all people need the same thing from us. One of our dear ones, for example, may need more of our personal time than the others. One of our friends may need more encouragement on a regular basis than another.

For example, all of my family members need me, my parents need me, my friends need me—and they all need me in different ways.

Do I ever feel too needed? Of course! We all feel overwhelmed from time to time. But I remind myself that God gives me grace for whatever He places in my life.

If I ever get weary of always trying to be available to meet the needs of others, I remind myself of all the years I lived in selfishness and how unhappy I was. Now I’m just making up for lost time! When I think on this, it doesn’t take long for me to adjust my attitude. After all, just telling people “I love you” is not enough. We need to go beyond the words and actually do something to help meet their needs.

I never acknowledged the many ways in which Ranu adjusted to my needs. I never saw what she did do—only what she didn’t—and it was ruining our relationship. I’m glad that I’ve learned to adapt and adjust.

Once you’ve been reduced to love, you’ll have no trouble establishing and maintaining good, healthy relationships with others. Your primary goal in life will be to put the wishes of others before your own. You’ll learn that true love is all about sacrifice and selfishness will be a thing of the past.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Emotional pain can become an addiction. A negative feeling, such as anger, worry, grief, fear, or depression, can become so habitual that you cannot live without it.

When a person is continuously stressed by emotional pain, there are subtle changes in the body that create a dependency on stress-related chemistry. Changing habitual patterns of pain can be as difficult as giving up an addictive substance, such as nicotine, alcohol, or even heroin.
The emotional pain addict unconsciously seeks out situations that are sure to result in pain. A history of prolonged, negative, stressful relationships is usually symptomatic of emotional pain addiction. The feelings of love and pain are so frequently associated that they become one and the same. Loving unavailable people and staying in intolerable relationships, for example, are signs that love and pain have become intertwined. There are many such pain-linked feelings in the repertoire of pain addiction.

Ever wonder why you feel pain in your chest when your feelings have been hurt? Terms like “heartache” and “gut wrenching” are not just metaphors — they describe both physical and emotional pain.

What are emotions? Emotions are energy that we feel in our bodies as physical sensations. We may feel the energy of anger an tightness in our chest or jaw. We may feel the energy of fear as tension in our stomach or jitteriness in our whole body. We may feel the energy of love as a fullness in our heart and the energy of peace as a full quiet feeling in our gut. Each of us feels our emotions differently, and each of us has learned to put names to the various physical sensations that are caused by the energy of our emotional state.

When I tell people that they need to be willing to feel their emotional pain, they often say to me, "What's the big deal about that? I feel my pain all the time." But there is a world of difference between feeling pain and having the willingness to feel it in order to learn from it. Willingness includes the capacity to stay with the painful emotion, explore it, own it. There is no healing in just feeling and expressing your emotional pain. You can cry and rage forever, but if you are not willing to take responsibility for your pain, you will be stuck with it forever.

Sometimes people respond with, "Why? Why feel my pain? What's the point?" They believe that feeling emotional pain—especially the pain of loss—is a waste of time. "Why cry over spilled milk?" they argue. "Why can't we just try to find our joy and skip the pain?" The answer is: because joy and pain are in the same box. When you put a lid on your pain and stuff it back inside, you put a lid on your joy. You choose to live an emotionally stunted life. You also close your ears to the information that pain brings you.

Pain is how your Inner Child lets you know that you are behaving in ways that are not in your highest good. Emotional pain tells you to stop doing the thing that is causing you pain. If you do not pay attention to your emotional pain, you will go on thinking and acting in ways that cause you pain.

Do I have to give myself up, to be loved by God? May be Yes...

God bless n Allah hafiz,


Thursday, June 10, 2010


LOVE is not a feeling. Love is an action. Love is a choice.
True Love is the action to choose unconditionally in the process of offering to another human being the qualities of:
Affection, Care, Concern, Respect, Thoughtfulness, Forgiveness, Compassion, Trust, Joy and many other positive emotional expressions of value and worth toward ANY living being as being Loveable and valuable.

Love is just love. Love is not trading of emotions, it cant be compared to a savings bank account where u deposit emotions n withdraw care. Love is pure , its impulsive , its unbreakable , it cant be compared to a broken string because love cannot be broken it can only be paused for a while.

When you see each other and have a smile on your face, when your loved one makes a mistake and you can't get angry on him even when you try hard. When you think of spending every possible time with your loved one.
This is true love

"True love" can and will differ from person to person based on emotional maturity. To know true love you not only must love in such a way that you would give your own life at the drop of a hat to save him/her. If you get married to someone, and fifteen years later, you can still look them in the eye and feel the same you did on your first date, then it's true love. Like the below quote; a good way to know true love is to base it on how you feel for the last person you love romantically in your life.

I get choked up telling her how much I care about her.
- I feel pain every time she hurts.
- every couple I see reminds me of her.
- everything I want to do I want to do with her.
- I have a craving for something I crave it with with her.
- it still excites me when she calls.
- telling each other we love each other means more each time.
- I know that I love her more now than I did yesterday.
- I can be my absolute self with her and she can do the same.
- her beauty in my eyes never fades.
- we can disagree and still compromise with each other.

True love: is hard to find and painful to lose,
-can be the best thing that happens to you or the worst,
- can drive you crazy or keep you sane,
-can destroy lives or save them,
-can stop wars or start them,
-can clarify or confuse,
-pushes and pulls people away,
-obvious and subliminal, is impossible to define

-When one is aware of shortcomings of the partner and yet accepts.
-When the ego does not come in between in differences and one would rather clear the air, or apologise and patch up, than break-up.
-When one 'desires' the partner in his/her life.
-When you 'chose' to be with him/ her inspite of other options - not bec there are no options !
When you give each other space and respect individuality.
-When you enjoy togetherness - talking or even silence - and tender touching.
-When you cant even think of hurting or insult the partners feeling.
-You never wish him/ her ill and would never harm in any way.
This is true love.

Like true love the topic is also 'endless'.

The love that brings a woman a man together is known as the third level of love. This level is among the strongest of them all.This kind of love has brought together families that have argued for years and years, such as in the Shakespearean play, Romeo and Juliet. Even though the two mentioned made a big mistake in the end, it still brought their families together.

The phrase, love makes the world go round is very true. It's is our driving force, is gives us the necessary power to survive in this world that for many has no meaning for what ever reason it may be. Poems, plays, and legends can only briefly touch the true meaning of love. We can only feel what that meaning is, and express it in ways only we can understand towards another. Its the "language of the world" which makes it possible for the women and men to bond together in a relationship, or marriage. The language of the world is know by everybody no matter what part of the world they are coming from. If you look a woman in the eye and she looks back at you in that special way that cant be explained there is no need for words. No need for translation. Love does not need words to be explained. The true question we should be asking is not, what is life, but what is love?

-Love is patient,
- love is kind.
-Love does not envy,
-Love does not boast,
-Love is not proud.
-Love is not rude,
-Love is not self-seeking,
-Love is not easily angered,
-Love keeps no record of wrongs.
-Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
-Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

This is true love....it never comes to an end...True love is being with each other always and forever till the end of days

God bless and allah hafiz,



My heart cries, but you don’t hear it.
My heart breaks, but you don’t feel it.
My body longs to feel your arms around me.
My lips long to feel your kisses.
My ears long to hear you say I love you.
My eyes long to see your smile and eyes twinkle.
My life longs to have you in it.
My world longs to have you make it complete.
My body longs to feel you lie next to it.
My love longs to have you return it.
My heart will cry, my heart will break.
My body will go limp, my lips will only speak.
My ears will miss your words, my eyes will shed tears.
My life will be so lonely, my world will be so empty.
My love will go unreturned.
My heart aches as my life is turned inside out.
My mind will never forget, my heart will never let go.
I have loved you since the day I met you
But now my heart cries, and you don’t hear

God bless and allah hafiz,



When I think of you ,
so many thoughts run through my mind .
When I don't hear from you ,
so many concerns tear at me .

Like a mighty waterfall , fierce and thundering a deafening roar -
spray enveloping everything around .
So I am sorrounded by you .

Like a babbling brook ,
slipping quietly over pebbles
gently flowing , gurguling .
Such is the peace you give me .

Like a gentle breeze ,
cooling a heated brow
caressing fevered skin .
So you calm my heart .

Like a summer sky ,
glimmering sun warming the earth
shining its light around .
So you warm my soul .

Like the birds in their trees ,
singing their happy songs
for all to hear .
So your voice cheers me .

Like a rose ,
petals opening to release
it's fragrance .
So your smile thrills me .

Like a precious gem ,
glowing , polished , rare
admired by all who see it .
So your eyes inspire me .

Like the summer grasses ,
waving gently in the breeze
inviting , fragrant , soft .
So your hair invites my touch .

Like a rare parchment ,
fine and smooth to touch
finely woven , a work of art .
So your skin delights me .

Like the pulse of Africa ,
ever present , powerful
a phenomenon unseen .
So your heart attracts me .

Everything you are
everything you do
each act of kindness
each look
every smile
every word
all combine to make me
love you more each day .

God bless and allah hafiz,


Tuesday, June 1, 2010


When man meets woman or otherwise, both make familiar noises! The noises are never identical in quality or intent ! both believe they are in love, while both are immersed in their respective noisy mind. Their respective egos soon embark on imposing their wishes, demands, insistencies, expectations etc. This is purely directed to exploit the other and the ego is not aware of it. The mind only loves only an idea of who the other is and the not really the other! If the idea of who the other is changes, love goes out of the window. Understand that it was never love in first place, it was just an idea cherished by the noisy n egoistic mind.This is nothing but illusory love and not real love, for real love is silence and not noise! Love is a thoughtless state, for God is love and God is silence.

And when love happens between man and woman for first time, they are silent and time appears not to exist for them. This is because initially noise is absent between them. Life indicates to man to observe that love is silence, not noise. By and by, as the ego exposes its version of love, noise replaces silence and exploitation is the outcome. When intolerance gets the better of two, separation ensues and disappointment, distress and dismay is the outcome. Understand that this is the drama of love, an illusory though!

No one can fall in love of his/her own accord: love happens. The arrival of two lovers happens at a precise place and moment. This arrival is not brought about by the noisy mind. The arrival was happening to both of them uncontrallably, spontaneously and unpredictably. Understand that if they are meant to part, it only means that each one is departing uncontrollably, spontaneously, unpredictably , and no force on earth can prevent the departure, just as no force could prevent their arrival. Interpretations , however, make it appear that one of the two is responsible for the break up of love and that love has gone away.

Love never goes anywhere. Love is everywhere, so how could it go anywhere? It was never love in the first place. It was just minimal hate parading as love, and this hate is quite evident when the departure occurs! The hatred and vengeance of lovers is palpable after a break up or divorce. The departure occurs so that man may understand that his noisy mind minimally hated the other all along and it was never love. The noisy mind's function is to hate and not to love, for the mind does not know what love is.

The arrival and departure of two souls is not the control of the noisy mind. This happens so that man may taste what love is: the moment of silence that prevailed on the arrival of love. When the attention is on noisy mind , love only appears to have gone away. It has not gone away, for where could it go, as it is everywhere. Only your thoughts of love have gone into your memory bank, and will surface again when they are meant to.Similarly, understand that love appears to have gone away when the bodies have to go on their respective journeys elsewhere. This is an illusion too. When you understand this much you would thank the other for giving you an opportunity to taste real love. You would understand that the other's departure was meant to happen- a precise moment to go. You would neither accuse nor retaliate. You would have learnt what freedom is; this freedom is love.

God bless and Allah hafiz,

Saturday, May 22, 2010

ATTRACTION- attachment and entanglement

You love your partner right? Perhaps more than yourself ? You feel deeply attached to him/her right? You crave for him/her right? You love the way she walks, you love the way she talks.

Boss you are in a deep mess and You are in for some serious trouble.......

Your attraction or craving can exist only as long as you think someone is "other". When you think they are a part of you or yourself, then attraction dies out. That is why a husband or a wife may not be attracted to their partner but to someone else, because their partner has already become a part of them. When you realize everyone is part of your own self, you enjoy the whole world without a sense of craving.

But sometimes you fight with your partner, you blame him/her, you share your misery with him/her because you take them for granted....when you share your misery, it will not diminish. When you fail to share your joy, it diminishes. Share your problems only with the Divine, not with anyone else, as that will only increase the problems. Share your joy with everyone.

The self is subtle. You should go from gross to subtle, you must overcome aversion, hatred, jealousy, attraction or entanglements.

It may be difficult to accept something you do not like but you can definitely accept a tiny bit of it- an atom. The moment you accept that one atom, you will see change occur.

Suppose you love someone. You want more and more of them, yet there is no fulfillment. In Anuvrat - the vow of an atom - you take just one atom of that person and that is enough to bring fulfillment to you. Though the river is vast, a little sip quenches your thirst. Though the earth has so much food, just a small bite satisfies your hunger. All that you need are tiny bits. Accept a tiny bit of everything in life - that will bring you fulfillment.

Forgetfulness of the infinite is misery. Forgetfulness of the trivial is ecstasy.

Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. What say?

God bless n Allah hafiz,



Memory makes you miserable or wise. Memories of events and experiences of the changing finite world binds you, but memory of your nature liberates you. Memories of the over changing relative- good or bad- brings bondage. It is all a matter of where you are, of what you are. If you are ignorant, it is because of memory. If you are enlightened, it is because of memory.

When you are miserable, know that it is not your true self. This is called asaucha - becoming unclean.

In our country when somebody dies, the close relatives are said to be asaucha for 10 days because they are very sad. So, they are impure. After 10 days of just living through the experience and reading the Bhagavad Gita, they pull themselves back to the self, they become shaucha. They have purged the impurities that arose during those events.

This happens again and again in your life. You become asaucha and then you must get back to shaucha. Go deeper into your own self- then real shaucha happens.

Shaucha is disinterest in the tendencies of your own senses and a sense of non-association with other people.Become disinterested in your own body.

Why do people love each other so much, have such an intimate relationship and then fight? Asaucha has happened. If you do not have distaste for the tendency of the senses, then distaste for the objects of the senses will come and you will blame the object.

Be shaucha.....Be pure
Live Life.....Love Life

God bless n Allah hafiz,



There is no problem that cannot be solved. When you have a problem that you think cannot be solved, you have accepted it. Then it is no longer a problem but a fact.

Suppose you think it is a problem that the ocean in Iceland is too cold. Obviously, you cant heat the ocean, so it cannot be changed; you accept it and it is no longer a problem. Only when you are searching for a solution to the problem, is there a problem. Thus, there is no problem that cannot be solved. The moment you realize there is no solution, a problem ceases to be a problem.

The solution is the tail of every problem. To find one, you need to be calm, centred and you need to have a strong faith in the divine law.

God bless and Allah hafiz,


Wednesday, May 12, 2010


In Love even an object is elevated to life. Stones and trees speak to you; the sun, the moon, the entire creation becomes alive and divine. In Lust even a living being becomes a mere object.
  • Lust brings tension; love brings relaxation.
  • In Lust there is cunningness and manipulation; in love there is playfulness.
  • Lust focusses on a part; Love focusses on a whole.
  • In Lust you want to grasp and possess; in love you want to give and surrender.
  • In Lust there is effort; love is effortless.
  • Lust brings violence; love brings sacrifice.
  • Lust demands; love commands.
  • In Lust you are confused; in love you are focussed.
  • Lust is dark and monotonous; love has many modes and colours.
  • Lust says, "All I want you to have is all I want." Love says," I want you to have what you want".
  • Lust causes feverishness and frustration; love causes longing and pain.
  • Lust imprisons and destroys; love liberates and sets you free.
If someone's lust is interrupted, they become angry and start hating. Hatred in the world today is not out of love; it is out of lust.

Shiva, the embodiment of innocence and love, was meditating. His meditation was disturbed by an arrow of flowers from the lord of lust. As soon as Shiva awoke, he opened his third eye and the lord of lust, Manmathava- one who churns the mind- was reduced to ashes.

Lust grips the mind, tires the body and dulls the intellect. Lust when indulged brings inertia, and when suppressed brings anger. Lust is nothing but primordial unharnessed energy. The same energy when harnessed manifests as enthusiasm, sparkle, sharpness and intellect of love.

God bless and Allah hafiz,



Death brings you in touch with reality of life. Death creates a vacuum, a void and this void is the fertile ground for spirit to manifest. All talents, inventions and creativity spring forth from this void; creation has a tendency to return to the void. All places of worship in all religions are connected with places of burial or cremation because only the awareness of death can bring about dispassion and can ground you in knowledge.
According to Indian mythology, Shiva abides in Mount Kailasa and in smashana. Kailasa means- "where there is only celebration" and Smashana is the cremation ground- " where there is only void." Divinity dwells in the void as well as in celebration. In you there is void; In you there is celebration.
Wake up and see your life is too short. The realization that life is short will bring dynamism to your life- unwanted things and distractions will fall away. When you must act or make an effort, know that life is short. Time is running out.
What are you doing with your life? Is your life useful to you and the world around you? Realize that life is too short. When you realize life is short, procrastination falls away.
But when you know there are many lifetimes, you realize that if you do not get it sooner, you will get it later. Wake up ! Life is eternal !
When you want to enjoy the fruit of action, know that life is eternal. When it comes to hope, you should know that there are many lifetimes. The ignorant person does it the other way- he hurries for the result and is impatient. But impatience disappears when you know that life is eternal. When you expect someone to return a favour, or you expect a result from your good deed, you want it quickly. When you expect a result, you are often frustrated. When you are in a hurry, you cannot enjoy.
If someone takes advantage of you or does not thank you, thank them because they will pay you back later with interest. No one should feel remorse that they have been exploited or are unappreciated. When it comes to enjoying the fruits of your actions, good deeds or blessings, know that life is eternal.

God bless and Allah hafiz,

Monday, May 10, 2010


What you call as love, if you are not devoted to the person whom you love, there is really no love; it is only a mutual benefit scheme. When you truly love somebody, you will naturally be devoted; how can you not? One, who does not know devotion to the one he loves, does not know love at all. Then it is just a socially picked up word- because everybody is saying "I LOVE YOU", you are also saying it.
Love has conditions attached to it. Only if your expectations are fulfilled, your love affair will continue, otherwise it will end. Devotion is not like that. It is unconditional. Love also genuinely becomes a fulfilling and life-nurturing process for anyone only when it is unconditional. The moment it becomes conditional, it becomes a transaction.
Human transactions at the physical, emotional and intellectual levels are often referred to as love. "You fulfill my need; i will fulfill your need". It is just useful; it is utilitarian. People do not like to see it that way because it makes their lives ugly. So, they want to give it a beautiful name, so they call it "LOVE". strange are the ways of humans !
Observe this at places of worship: What people think is devotion to God might not in fact be so. Here, too , there is a transaction. You do whatever you think God expects you to do, and then God is supposed to do many other things for you. This is deal making, an unfair one.
Love and devotion, however, are not two different things, but people still tend to see them as being separate because one is meant for a higher purpose and another is expected to fulfill a daily need. But there is no need to separate the two. Love is devotion and devotion is love. Without love, how can anybody be devout? Just because you have ascribed to yourself a certain religion or faith, you don't instantly become a devotee - a devotee is just drawn.
A devotee is never thinking in terms of his own well-being. Only one who can look beyond his own well being can be a devotee. You cannot cultivate devotion. Cultivated devotion is deception.
When you are overwhelmed by something, you will naturally be devoted to it. It takes experience for devotion to be natural. When you plant a Rose plant, you don't try to get a flower out of it immediately. You just nurture it. When it is sufficiently nurtured, it will blossom forth.
So, devotion is like a flower. It is not something that you try to do. If you dig into the earth you will not find a flower or a fruit., but it all comes from there; the plant is only a passage from earth to flower. The fragrant flower does not display any trace of soil, manure or water- it is devoid of all that.
Devotion is devoid of you. When you become just a conduit for life, you become an outpouring of devotion. No one has ever achieved anything of significance in any sphere of life without being devoted to what he is doing. Devotion is not only the sweetest way to be, but also the most intelligent way to be, as a devotee effortlessly perceives what one of intellect will struggle with for a lifetime.

For me, my love is sacred. I , literally worship my love and Chitralekha nath is my lord of love. I am selflessly devoted to her.
Yes, I am in love......Yes, I am a devotee......

God bless n allah hafiz,

Sunday, March 28, 2010

KRISHNA - The epitome of Love

Krishna means the most attractive. He is the divinity, the energy that attracts everything to it. Krishna is the formless centre that is everywhere. All attractions from anywhere come only from Krishna.
Often people fail to see the spirit behind the attraction and merely hold onto the outer shell. And the moment you try to possess the shell, you will see Krishna has played a trick, you will be left with an empty shell in your hands and tears in your eyes.
Do not be tricked by Krishna- be clever like Radha. Krishna could not escape from Radha because her whole world was filled with Krishna. If you can see that wherever there is an attraction there is Krishna, then you are Radha, you are in your center.
The mind moves towards beauty, joy and truth. Krishna tells Arjuna, "I am the beauty in the beautiful, the strength in the strong, the wisdom in the wise". In this way he arrests the mind from moving away from him.

God bless n Allah hafiz,